Lecture 3 - MIPS, Procedures

Thursday, June 19, 2014

2:29 PM



    Example 3:

    Compute an absolute value of $1, store in $1 and return

    branches + jumps: modify PC (eg jr)

    beq: branch is two registers have equal contents

    • increment PC by a given # of words
    • can branch backwards

    bne: branch if not equal

    slt: set less than

    • slt $a $b $c
    • $a gets 1 if $b < $c
    • $a gets 0 if otherwise




    0000 0000

    0000 0004

    0000 0008

    0000 000c

    slt $2, $1, $0    ;(compare $1 < 0)

    beq $2, $0, 1     ;if false, skipover

    sub $1, $0, $1    ;negates $1

    jr $31


    Example: Looping

    sum the integers 1..13, store in $3, return




    0000 0000

    0000 0004

    0000 0008

    0000 000c

    0000 0010

    0000 0014

    0000 0018

    0000 001c

    lis $2            ;$2 <- 13

    .word 13

    add $3, $0, $0    ;$3 <- 0

    add $2, $3, $2    ;$3 += $2

    lis $1            ;$1 <- 1

    .word 1

    sub $2, $2, $1

    bne $0, $0, -5


    Important RAM

    lw – “load word”

    • from RAM into registers
    • lw $a, i($b)
      • load the word at MEM[$b + i] into $a

    sw – “store word”

    • from registers into RAM
    • sw $a, i($b)
      • store the word $a at MEM[$b + i]



    • mult $a, $b
    • product of 2 32-bit numbers is 64 bits; too big for a register
    • So two special registers, hi + lo, store the result of mult (and div)
    • mult $a, $b = hi:lo <- $a * $b
    • (for division, lo stores quotient, hi stores remainder)


    mflo – move from lo

    • mflo $a = $a <- lo

    mfhi – move from hi


    Example 5

    $1 = address of an array

    $2 = length of the array

    Place element 5 (6th starting from 0) into $3


    lw $3, 20($1)     ;5x4, array slots are 4 bytes

    jr $31


    If the index is not known:


    lis $5             ;$5 = index I want

    .word ______

    lis $4

    .word 4

    mult $5, $4

    mflo $5            ;$5 *= 5

    add $5, $1, $5     ;$5 += $1

    lw $3, 0($5)       ;$3 <- MEM[$5]

    jr $31


    Important Revisiting loop example:

    Improvement: you can take out the lis and .word 1 out of the loop to make the loop run faster.

    • have to make sure the branch index is still consistent
    • when explicit branching exists
      • adding/removing instructions => change branch offsets
    • Instead, the assembler allows labeled instructions:


    label: instruction

    foo: add $1, $2, $3


    The assembler associates the name foo with the address of add $1, $2, $3 in the binary.


       lis $2

       .word 13

       add $3, $0, $0

    top:        ;top = 0x0c

       add $3, $3, $2

       lis $1

       .word 1

       sub $2, $2, $1

       bne $2, $0, top

       jr $31    ;20


    assembler computes the difference between PC and top, in words

    • ie (top – PC)/4 = (0C – 20)/4 = -5


    Important Procedures

    Two problems to be solved

    • call and return
      • how to transfer control into and out of the procedure
      • parameters?
    • registers
      • what if a procedure f overwrites the main line’s data?
      • we could reserve some registers for f and some for the mainline – with no overlap
        • what if f calls g?
        • what if f calls f?
      • Instead, guarantee that procedure leave registers unchanged when done.
        • How? Use RAM
        • Which RAM? How do we keep procedures from using the same RAM?
        • solution: allocate memory from the top or bottom of free RAM. Need to keep track of which RAM is used and which RAM isn’t.
        • Machine helps us out. $30 initialized (by the loader) to just past the last word of memory. We can use $30 as a “bookmark” to separate used & unused RAM if we allocate from the bottom.




    f calls g

    g calls h

    h returns

    g returns

    h returns





    h save

    g save

    f save

    $30 gets changed accordingly (like a stack)


    • strategy: each procedure pushes the registers it will use onto the stack, and pops the original values from the stack when done.
    • $30 – the stack pointer – contains the address of the top of the stack



    Important Template for writing procedures


    f: sw $2, -4($30)

       sw $3, -8($30)     ; push registers f will modify onto stack

       lis $3

       .word 8

       sub $30, $30, $3   ; decrement stack ptr


       add $30, $30, $3   ; increment stack ptr

       lw $3, -8($30)

       lw $2, -8($30)








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